This hobby is expensive! Here is my inventory to date:
•24 Gallon Aqua Pod Aquarium (first one one comes today!)
•Maxi Jet 1200 Pump ( to replace the crappy one that came with the AP)
•Maxi Jet 900 Pump (you can never have to much current on a reef or while curring lr)
•Hydor FLO Deflector (wavemaker)
•Hydor THEO 100 Watt Heater
•Vantec Stealth Computer Fans (to replace the crappy ones that come with the AP)
•Corallife Digital Thermometer
•Hagen Floating Glass Thermometer with Suction Cups (backup for the digital)
•Instant Oceans Hydrometer (for specific gravity of salt solution)
•Siphon Clean Water Changer
•Reef Crystals 50 Gallon Mix (salt mix)
•Ocean Direct 20lbs of Live Sand
•Filter Floss 14oz (filter out the bad stuff...this sits on top of the rubble in the refugium)
•Reef Calcium 250ml (help coraline grow)